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The Sobriety Calendar
is no longer available.
Thank you for your past support.






As the Big Book says: “We are not a glum lot. We insist on enjoying life.”  That is the spirit in which we assemble this yearly calendar. We try to learn to laugh at ourselves, but we take our recovery seriously. In visiting the many rooms and meetings across the nation and around the world, we have seen humor and humility in many forms. First-time visitors and outsiders are sometimes shocked by our seemingly morbid or black sense of humor when we tell our stories. But that laughter is the laughter of joy coming from people who have overcome a hopeless condition. So please take our calendar with that spirit.


In these economic times, the Sobriety Calendar is still a reasonable and inexpensive gift for sponsors, sponsees, newcomers, and friends in recovery. Plus, it’s a gift they will enjoy for the whole year. We are always surprised how many orders we get for the calendar all year long—the months may pass by, but the message never goes out of date!


We invite you to share the calendar with your friends, sponsors, sponsees, clubhouses, Alano clubs, and families. Ordering additional copies is easy. Just call (877) 669-4526, or Fax: (310) 496-1942.

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Links to all these items in the paper calendar.
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